Fortran version

The Fortran API can be included in your code as follow:

!Include library
include "Asali.f90"

program example
    use asali
    implicit none

    character(len=200), dimension(3) :: names
    real, dimension(3) :: x, cp
    names(1) = 'H2'
    names(2) = 'O2'
    names(3) = 'N2'
    x(1) = 0.1
    x(2) = 0.2
    x(3) = 1 - x(1) - x(2)
    !Set up composition/pressure and temperature
    call set_temperature(393.15)
    call set_pressure(4e05)
    call set_number_of_species(3)
    call set_species_names(names)
    call set_mole_fraction(x)
    !Properties evaluation
    cp = get_species_mass_specific_heat()

Example and database generator can be compiled by typing:


To convert the Asali database into Fortran code run:


Available thermodynamic and transport properties

ASALI estimates different thermodynamic and transport properties (N is the number of species):

Function Estimated property Return type Unit dimension
get_density() Mixture density real kg/m3
get_mixture_molecular_weight() Mixture molecular weight real g/mol
get_mixture_thermal_conductivity() Mixture thermal conductivity real W/m/K
get_mixture_viscosity() Mixture viscosity real Pa*s
get_mixture_molar_specific_heat() Mixture specific heat real J/kmol/K
get_mixture_mass_specific_heat() Mixture specific heat real J/kg/K
get_mixture_molar_enthalpy() Mixture enthalpy real J/kmol
get_mixture_mass_enthalpy() Mixture enthalpy real J/kg
get_mixture_molar_entropy() Mixture entropy real J/kmol/K
get_mixture_mass_entropy() Mixture entropy real J/kg/K
get_mixture_diffusion() Mixture diffusivity real m2/s
get_species_thermal_conductivity() Single specie thermal conductivity real, dimension(N) W/m/K
get_species_viscosity() Single specie viscosity real, dimension(N) Pa*s
get_species_molar_specific_heat() Single specie specific heat real, dimension(N) J/kmol/K
get_species_mass_specific_heat() Single specie specific heat real, dimension(N) J/kg/K
get_species_molar_enthalpy() Single specie enthalpy real, dimension(N) J/kmol
get_species_mass_enthalpy() Single specie enthalpy real, dimension(N) J/kg
get_species_molar_entropy() Single specie entropy real, dimension(N) J/kmol/K
get_species_mass_entropy() Single specie entropy real, dimension(N) J/kg/K
get_aritmetic_mean_gas_velocity() Single gas velocity real, dimension(N) m/s
get_mean_free_path() Single mean free path real, dimension(N) m
get_binary_diffusion() Single binary diffusion real, dimension(N,N) m2/s